Monday, February 15, 2010

Mam, your licence plate light is off. Say what?

... so we were driving, down the highway, i mean i was driving. I put my cruise control on and i knew exactly that i was going 63. The speed limit is 60. So Jamie tells me that there is a cubcar ahead. So i think i hit my breaks a little bit, its like an instant reaction, i can help it. Im terrified by cubs! Like 2 minutes later i got pulled over, i didnt know what to do. I was like, Jamie, what do i do? Where do i pull over, Im in the middle of a highway. I had never been pulled over before, on a higway. So i pulled over and he came to the window and asked for my licence. I gave it to him, and he asked me to spell my name and asked me where i lived and where i was going and why i was going and where i had been what i had been doing, whats size shoes do i wear, how often do i shower etc. I mean really? Its none of your business! When i would have told him that i came back from visiting Santa, just had a date with reindeers and going back to the south pole, then what? They would have arrest me for not providing them with the accurate details of my personal life? It just pissed me off so bad! What the hell, its none of your business! I do what i want to and your job is to give me ticket or a warning for violating the law, not violate my private rights and make me feel like a criminal or a junkie who has been selling crack downtown Dallas. Then he asked me what i had put on the back seat when he pulled me over. My ICETEA, wanna taste it? And then he asked me if i had something else in this car he needs to know about or something like that? Are you a retard? If i did, do you really think im going to tell you that? I mean, what the hell do they teach you at school, that criminals are usually very honest and are dying to let everyone know about their little dirty secrets?

Then he asked Jamie for her licence, and asked us we had ever been arrested. Well that is insulting, do i fucking look like a criminal to you? I look like someone who does not distinguish a watergun from a shotfun. This was it, i wanted to ask him, doesnt he have anything else to do? Like run my licence to see if i had any previous offences before you start asking me accusing questions. Because no matter what, they will run your licence anyway. So he asked for an insurance, now we are talking! Thats what you are supposed to do! Well, sir, no i dont. I didnt. I even didnt know how it supposed to look like! He looked it up and reminded me that i need to have it on me. I was like, okay. And then he asked me where i was from and blah blah blah, he was flirting with me. I was like great! We will sit here for a loooong time!

I got a warning, for not having my licence plate light on. Hell, i dont even know what it is. And he told me i have to carry my insurance and that i was speeding a little bit. 3 miles over the speedlimit is not speeing, okay? His clock and my spidometer could have a greater gap than this. But i wasnt gonna argue with them, its better to just say, Yes Sir! And get the hell out of there!

Well, dad told me the next day, that i probably got pulled over because im driving a black striped mustang and it usually "smells" like a pot-crackheads coming back from partying! They didnt expect to find 2 girls in a car. Because if they had caught some drunkass dummies, their worknight would have been over. Arrest them, take them down to the policeoffice, make them fill out like 1000 pages of paperwork and go home.

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