Thursday, June 24, 2010

To all the Sex and the City II HATERS - Dedicated to Scotty!

Got back from my little trip on Thursday. BURNT! Hurting all over. Need a little vacation from partying and catch up with my gym schedule, took a little nap first, went to gym and then went to see Sex and the City II. Absolutely LOVED it! Even though it gets so many bad reviews. Here are couple of their arguments:

They say that it makes Americans look stupid, because they dont know shit about other cultures, well guess what.. They dont!!! Great example, americans keep throwing Estonians into their tv shows and movies, and all those Estonian characters are "russianized" meaning speaking russian, or english with clear russian accent. And on top of that bigass error, they use different russian symbols and music etc. They dont even bother doing a little research about what they use. I bet they dont even know its a country. I mean, really? Do you wanna look stupid as a producer or you really are that ignorant.. Besides, its not the first movie they make americans look stupid, there are more than i could name! For example, think about Borat. Riiiiight? Nobody had anything to say when this was released.

Then they dont like it, because its not real, its all about shoes and fashion.. and that it makes it look like American women are all about clothing and shit like that.. Here is a little something for you! All women, all over the world, ARE intereted in Fashion, and Shoes, and Clothing. End of the story. Its a global thing.
And.. The fact that they are wearing nice things and LOVE wearing them, doesnt make the movie to be all about that. There is a lot more to that movie, such as friendship and relationship issues, presented in a funny key. Its not a reality show, its not supposed to be. Plus, even the reality shows are not real, so stop bitching!

This movie is for SATC fans, who like it because of the unique characters and fashion and friendship issues and relationship drama it has in it. Who cares if some parts seems like a fairy tale, thats why people watch movies, to get away from reality! You faggots! I love it and if you dont, then go watch Shrek or Nemo! Or other bullshit like that!

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